Big Data & 2020 trend report

Topic:     Big data is increasingly available to improve work or life in a wide range of areas  (healthcare, productivity, financ...

   Big data is increasingly available to improve work or life in a wide range of areas (healthcare, productivity, financial management, etc), but it’s difficult for normal people to understand what it means. As a result, they are less likely to pay attention to information that could be very valuable to them.

    Before I address the 2020 trend report, I first want to explain my understanding of this topic.

What is big data? Why do people need to bring up this concept?

    People come up with a name to a thing or phenomenon because it is new and there is nothing already existing that can include all its features. If big data is a totally new concept, what is it? Data is a thing we’ve known for a long time, since the digital era. Now, the torrent of data floods our world everyday, which is also woven into every sector and function of our global world. However, this kind of ongoing information explosion is totally predictable. The reason why we bring attention to this concept and try to distinguish it with small data, is because it becomes a big competitive advantage to economy and business.

    “The use of Big Data — large pools of data that can be brought together and analyzed to discern patterns and make better decisions — will become the basis of competition and growth for individual firms, while enhancing productivity and creating significant value for the world economy by reducing waste and increasing the quality of products and services.” 
                                              —— WHY BIG DATA IS THE NEW COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE 
                                                                 by Tim McGuire, James Manyika, and Michael Chui 

2020 Trend and Big Data

    Now we can go back to the initial report. There are two trends directly related to the big data phenomenon. The first one is social trend - Social networks fuel the participation. The other one is tech trend - Data is critical for competitive advantage.

    About the first one, since web and mobile platforms are easily accessible, all your opinions can be heard by the whole world in just a click. And because of its promptness and pervasiveness, it produces way more data than the real world. Or we can say the virtual world has melted with reality, and they combined together forming a big data producing, exchanging and influencing net. With increasing diversity, online becomes less different than offline, or even more powerful. That short time positive outcome is the main reason people keep using web media, and lead to big data.

    The second trend (tech) is the reason why big data becomes the hottest keyword for business. The analysis of big data is a method to solve the problems caused by the openness of the internet or is an attempt to use computers to battle the data explosion we’ve caused with other computers. According to the report, the market research firm IDC projects that in 2020, the world will generate 35 zettabyte of data in just one year. And how much data will the research firm produce? Is it going to be an endless infinite loop? Maybe the world will never know….

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