About Moccasins Project



  When I first know this project, I started thinking about which “customer” I was going to research. Then I picked SPCA, an animal shelter several blocks away from school. Actually I intended to be a SPCA volunteer since I knew that place. But I sank into school homework and everything looked like a mess at first. I'd commit to doing it later, and not surprisingly, later never came.

       When Moccasins Project came, SPCA suddenly came to my mind. Why don’t we research that place? Then summer and I registered the volunteers there and got a rough plan about our research process. After several classes, I fall in love with that place. The people there are all animal lovers, so as me. We had so many common things to talk about and they are extremely friendly, which dispel my nervous as a foreigner in a large degree.

    During our research, summer and I had conversation everyday to exchange information and experience. One day, she told me something I never noticed before. She found I was much easier to communicate with other volunteers. She always got “No” or awkward silence, which didn’t happen on me. It was likely because my passion about dogs and volunteer work. When I talked with volunteers, I added a lot my personal opinions and emotion. Sometimes, I even said “I don’t think so” or “I disagree”, which were not appeared and didn’t suppose to be appeared in a formal design research interview. On the contrary, this kind of conversation made people believe I was really into our talk, which encouraged them to say more. Later, we decided to use it as our advantage. Every time, we did our interview together. I was the one who did the main talk, and summer guaranteed us in the right track.

    After the data collection process, we took three days and nights to analyze them and got our final insights and solutions (thanks to Rockstar and Red Bull). I have to admitted, before we took so much time on the analysis, this part seemed like “changing ways to say same sentence”. But now, I realize that it actually is a scientific process to help designers make a guess. The insights are all predictions which can’t be proved 100% right. What we do is using a scientific way to approach the most possible guess. When I did the project step by step, I can feel the differences from what I did before – get insights from the deduction. I used to summarize the data first, and got insights or “problems” from the guess of summary, which was one-sided and inaccurate. But the process I practiced in Moccasins was required to base on data or closely guess, so the results we got is strongly logical and reasonable. 
strongly logical example

  I think I put my full mind into this project, and learned a lot on both interview skills and date analysis. The most unsatisfied part of the Moccasins Project I think is my presentation. After three days stay-up, even Red Bull is useless. I didn't prepare well and my brain was totally out of work. The finally presentation was supposed to be the last and most important step to show our results. Next time, this part is the one I need to work on most.  

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