This is a two person Pong game run by Kinect and Processing. Kinect works as a motion sensor, sensing where the players' hands are. And Processing runs the game.
Kinect detects where the player's hand and let players control the paddle to bounce a small ball.
// import the fingertracker library // and the SimpleOpenNI library for Kinect access // and bc music import fingertracker.*; import SimpleOpenNI.*; import ddf.minim.*; // declare FignerTracker and SimpleOpenNI objects FingerTracker fingers; SimpleOpenNI kinect; // declare music player AudioPlayer backgroundPlayer, bloopPlayer = null; Minim minim;//audio context // set a default threshold distance: // 625 corresponds to about 2-3 feet from the Kinect int threshold = 625; ArrayListdpositionsl = new ArrayList (); ArrayList dpositionsr = new ArrayList (); int[] depthMap = null; int[] objectMap = null; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// float x = 300; float y = 300; float dx = 3; float dy = -5; int t; int count=0; int points=0; float heightbounce=600; // beginners level boolean[][] inside=new boolean[1][11]; PImage img = null; int mouseXr; int mouseXl; int mouseYl; int mouseYr; void setup() { size(600, 600); smooth(); frameRate(60); PFont font; font = loadFont("AgencyFB-Reg-48.vlw"); textFont(font); // initialize your SimpleOpenNI object // and set it up to access the depth image kinect = new SimpleOpenNI(this); kinect.enableDepth(); // mirror the depth image so that it is more natural kinect.setMirror(true); minim = new Minim(this); startbc(); } void draw() { println("draw"); // get new depth data from the kinect kinect.update(); println("kinect updated"); // get a depth image and display it PImage depthImage = kinect.depthImage(); // image(depthImage, 0, 0); println("kinect got depthimage"); // access the "depth map" from the Kinect // this is an array of ints with the full-resolution // depth data (i.e. 500-2047 instead of 0-255) // pass that data to our FingerTracker depthMap = kinect.depthMap(); println("got depthmap"); objectMap = new int[depthMap.length]; //--------------------------------------------- for (int i=0; i 400 && depthMap[i]<700) { // println("in range!"); objectMap[i]=1; } else { objectMap[i]=0; } } img = createImage(kinect.depthWidth(), objectMap.length / kinect.depthWidth(), RGB); img.loadPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < objectMap.length; i++) { if(objectMap[i]==1){ img.pixels[i] = color(0); }else{ img.pixels[i] = color(255); } } //println("small=", small, "large=", large); checkObject(); game(); img.updatePixels(); image(img, 0, height-100, 200, 200); } //sound void stop() { backgroundPlayer.close(); minim.stop(); super.stop(); } void startbc(){ backgroundPlayer = minim.loadFile("bc.mp3",2048);; } void checkObject() { int totalXl = 0; int numXl = 0; int totalYl = 0; int numYl = 0; int totalXr = 0; int numXr = 0; int totalYr = 0; int numYr = 0; int mapWidth = kinect.depthWidth(); int mapHeight = objectMap.length/kinect.depthWidth(); for (int x=0; x 0) { Drawposition lastl = dpositionsl.get(dpositionsl.size()-1); mouseXl = int(lastl.x); mouseYl = int(lastl.y); mousePressed = kPressed(int(lastl.x), int(lastl.y)); } //right if (numXr!=0) { int averageXr = totalXr/numXr; int averageYr = totalYr/numYr; dpositionsr.add(new Drawposition(averageXr, averageYr)); // fingerLine(); // println("average position", averageX, averageY); } if (dpositionsr.size() > 0) { Drawposition lastr = dpositionsr.get(dpositionsr.size()-1); mouseXr = int(lastr.x); mouseYr = int(lastr.y); } } /////////////////////////////////////////// void game() { // t=0 to start new level if (t==0) { background(255); stroke(12); // Display Level the first 2 seconds if (count<120) { fill(12); textAlign(CENTER); text("LEVEL " + inside.length, 300, 500); } //draw moving point strokeWeight(10); point(x, y); strokeWeight(1); randomSeed(1); // box to be destroied for (int j=0; j =25. && inside[j][k]==false) { if(k%3 == 1){ fill(83,28,112); }else{ //fill(25,255-k*10,200,150); fill(12); } ellipse(50+50*k, 50+50*j, 50, 50); } // check if moving point are inside circle and from which direction it comes else { if(inside[j][k]==false){ if (k%3==1){ dx *= 2; dy *= 2; } else { dx = 3; dy = -5; } if (bloopPlayer != null) { bloopPlayer.close(); } bloopPlayer = minim.loadFile("filepz.wav", 2048);; } if (dx2<=(dis2*cos(PI/4))&& dy2<=-(dis2*sin(PI/4)) && inside[j][k]==false) { dy*=-1; inside[j][k]=true; points++; } else if (dx2<=(dis2*cos(PI/4)) && dy2>=(dis2*sin(PI/4)) && inside[j][k]==false) { dy*=-1; inside[j][k]=true; points++; } else if (dy2<=(dis2*sin(PI/4)) && dx2<=-(dis2*cos(PI/4)) && inside[j][k]==false) { dx*=-1; inside[j][k]=true; points++; } else if (dy2<=(dis2*sin(PI/4)) && dx2>=(dis2*cos(PI/4)) && inside[j][k]==false) { dx*=-1; inside[j][k]=true; points++; } } } } //Bar1 to bounce ball on float barsize=75.; fill(12); strokeWeight(3); int heightbouncel=mouseYl; int heightbouncer=mouseYr; if (hPress(mouseXl, mouseYl)) { line(mouseXl-barsize, heightbouncel, mouseXl+barsize, heightbouncel); } if (hPress(mouseXr, mouseYr)) { line(mouseXr-barsize, heightbouncer, mouseXr+barsize, heightbouncer); } // change direction if moving point hits boundaries if (x>=width || x<=0) { dx*=-1; } if (y<=0) { dy*=-1; } // bounce ball at y position of mouse if(x > 0 && x < 300){ // change direction if moving point hits bar depending on where the point came from if (y>=heightbouncel && y (mouseXl-barsize) && x< (mouseXl-(1./3)*barsize) && dx>0 && dy>0) { dy*=-0.95; dx*=-1.05; } //left part - right left - get more horisontal else if (x>(mouseXl-barsize) && x< (mouseXl-(1./3)*barsize) && dx<0 && dy>0) { dy*=-0.95; dx*=1.05; } //right part - left right - get more horisontal else if (x>(mouseXl+(1./3)*barsize) && x< (mouseXl+barsize) && dx>0 && dy>0) { dy*=-0.95; dx*=1.05; } //right part - right right - get more horisontal else if (x>(mouseXl+(1./3)*barsize) && x< (mouseXl+barsize) && dx<0 && dy>0) { dy*=-0.95; dx*=-1.05; } //middle part - just bounce - get more vertical else if (x>(mouseXl-(1./3)*barsize) && x< (mouseXl+(1./3)*barsize) && dy>0) { dy*=-1.05; dx*=0.95; } } }else{ // change direction if moving point hits bar depending on where the point came from if (y>=heightbouncer && y (mouseXr-barsize) && x< (mouseXr-(1./3)*barsize) && dx>0 && dy>0) { dy*=-0.95; dx*=-1.05; } //left part - right left - get more horisontal else if (x>(mouseXr-barsize) && x< (mouseXr-(1./3)*barsize) && dx<0 && dy>0) { dy*=-0.95; dx*=1.05; } //right part - left right - get more horisontal else if (x>(mouseXr+(1./3)*barsize) && x< (mouseXr+barsize) && dx>0 && dy>0) { dy*=-0.95; dx*=1.05; } //right part - right right - get more horisontal else if (x>(mouseXr+(1./3)*barsize) && x< (mouseXr+barsize) && dx<0 && dy>0) { dy*=-0.95; dx*=-1.05; } //middle part - just bounce - get more vertical else if (x>(mouseXr-(1./3)*barsize) && x< (mouseXr+(1./3)*barsize) && dy>0) { dy*=-1.05; dx*=0.95; } } } //Print points textAlign(RIGHT); fill(12); text(points, 550, 550); //GAME OVER if (y>height) { t=1; fill(12); textAlign(CENTER); text("GAME OVER", 300, 300); text("CLICK TO RESTART GAME", 300, 400); text("PRESS SPACE TO RESTART LEVEL", 300, 500); minim.stop(); } //Finished if (checkinside()) { t=2; fill(12); textAlign(CENTER); text("FINISHED", 300, 300); text("CLICK FOR NEXT LEVEL", 300, 400); } // incrementing moving point x=x+dx; y=y+dy; count++; } // end of t=0 // if game over else if (t==1) { x = 300; y = 300; dx = 3; dy = -5; count=0; points=0; if (mousePressed==true) { t=0; inside=new boolean[inside.length][inside[0].length]; startbc(); } if (keyPressed) { if (key == ' ') { t=0; inside=new boolean[1][11]; startbc(); } } } // if level compleated else { x = 300; y = 300; dx = 3; dy = -5; count=0; if (mousePressed==true) { t=0; inside=new boolean[inside.length+1][inside[0].length]; } } } //_________________________ //void fingerLine() { // // for (int i=0; i 0){ // Drawposition curr = dpositions.get(i); // println("here is x and y", curr.x, curr.y); // Drawposition prev = dpositions.get(i-1); //we can access the previous // stroke(0); // strokeWeight(10); // fill(80, 90, 200); // line(curr.x, curr.y, prev.x, prev.y); // ellipse(curr.x, curr.y, 30, 30); //draw the line // // println("x=", curr.x, "y=", curr.y); // } // } //} ///////////////////////////////// boolean checkinside() { for (int j=0; j 440) { return true; } else { return false; } } class Drawposition{ float x, y, r; color c; void copy(Drawposition copyFrom){ x = copyFrom.x; y = copyFrom.y; r= 80; c = copyFrom.c; } Drawposition(float ax, float ay){ x = ax; y = ay; c = color(255,255,255); } void display(){ fill(c, 100); ellipse(x,y,r,r); } }
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